In many old tradition Frankincense has been used as an incense. Today in some places such as the Middle East, and the horn of Africa frankincense is frequently used as a home fragrance, Somali women use frankincense for their body and hair buy exposing their hair and body to the smoke of the burning raisins. Frankincense is widely used in gathering and religious ceremony. In many Mosques Frankincense is used every Friday for the Friday prayer and some mosque use Frankincense everyday. The Europeans are not familiar with Frankincense as much, however, in Catholic churches Frankincense is used. In the ancient city of Harar, Ethiopia burning Frankincense after sunset used to be a widespread tradition, as to bring a feeling to calm and tranquility to one's home.
In many old tradition Frankincense has been used as an incense. Today in some places such as the Middle East, and the horn of Africa frankincense is frequently used as a home fragrance, Somali women use frankincense for their body and hair buy exposing their hair and body to the smoke of the burning raisins. Frankincense is widely used in gathering and religious ceremony. In many Mosques Frankincense is used every Friday for the Friday prayer and some mosque use Frankincense everyday. The Europeans are not familiar with Frankincense as much, however, in Catholic churches Frankincense is used. In the ancient city of Harar, Ethiopia burning Frankincense after sunset used to be a widespread tradition, as to bring a feeling to calm and tranquility to one's home.
How its used:
you place few peaces (one could be sufficient) on a small light charcoal as shown in the picture.
Nowadays Frankincense is widely used is sold as droplets and used for many proclaimed health benefits. Amongst the benefits stated are the following: Anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-microbial and anti-viral, astringent, expectorant, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, anti catarrhal, diaphoretic, vulnerary, anti-spasmodic, immune booster, improves circulation, body tonic.
- works as a sedative, for spiritual opening, stimulating thought
- heals wounds (essentially those of a ‘weeping’ nature), protects against infection and promotes healing
- skin diseases (eczema, ringworm, etc.)
- soothes cracked and chapped skin, fades scars and other spots
- used during and before meditation to align energy centers and encourage healing
- used in gum and mouth (ulcer) preparations
- stimulates uterine health and helps to normalize menstruation, relieves contractions or spasms (cramps, aches etc.)
- relieves gas and diarrhea, improves stomach health, treats pyorrhea
- strengthens and activates the immune system, prevents/helps microbial infection (fever, food poisoning, cough, cold, mumps, measles, chicken poxs etc.)
- strengthens the gums’ hold on teeth (contracts skin), firms the scalp’s grip on hair roots
- protects against coughs and colds (viral infections), provides relief from mucus and phlegm, eases congestion, breathing trouble, etc.
- works as a fungicide
- stimulates blood circulation, digestion and nerves, increases sweat to purify body
- And more!