Do Gemstone have healing attributes

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

In many old tradition Frankincense has been used as an incense.   Today in some places such as the Middle East, and the horn of Africa frankincense is frequently used as a home fragrance, Somali women use frankincense for their body and hair buy exposing their hair and body to the smoke of the burning raisins.  Frankincense is widely used in gathering and religious ceremony.  In many Mosques Frankincense is used every Friday for the Friday prayer and some mosque use Frankincense everyday.  The Europeans are not familiar with Frankincense as much, however, in Catholic churches Frankincense is used.  In the ancient city of Harar, Ethiopia  burning Frankincense after sunset used to be a widespread tradition, as to bring a feeling to calm and tranquility to one's home.  

How its used:
you place few peaces (one could be sufficient) on a small light charcoal as shown in the picture.
Nowadays Frankincense is widely used is sold as droplets and used for many proclaimed health benefits.  Amongst the benefits stated are the following: Anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-microbial and anti-viral, astringent, expectorant, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, anti catarrhal, diaphoretic, vulnerary, anti-spasmodic, immune booster, improves circulation, body tonic.
  • works as a sedative, for spiritual opening, stimulating thought
  • heals wounds (essentially those of a ‘weeping’ nature), protects against infection and promotes healing
  • skin diseases (eczema, ringworm, etc.)
  • soothes cracked and chapped skin, fades scars and other spots
  • used during and before meditation to align energy centers and encourage healing
  • used in gum and mouth (ulcer) preparations
  • stimulates uterine health and helps to normalize menstruation, relieves contractions or spasms (cramps, aches etc.)
  • relieves gas and diarrhea, improves stomach health, treats pyorrhea
  • strengthens and activates the immune system, prevents/helps microbial infection (fever, food poisoning, cough, cold, mumps, measles, chicken poxs etc.)
  • strengthens the gums’ hold on teeth (contracts skin), firms the scalp’s grip on hair roots
  • protects against coughs and colds (viral infections), provides relief from mucus and phlegm, eases congestion, breathing trouble, etc.
  • works as a fungicide
  • stimulates blood circulation, digestion and nerves, increases sweat to purify body
  • And more!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Apatite الأباتيت


It comes in a beautiful crystal blue like a beautiful tropical water.  
هذا الحجر يأتي في اللون الأزرق الفاتح

The name comes from the Greek word apate, which means, "to deceive." Apatite was often confused with some of the more valuable gems such as tourmaline, olivine, peridot, topaz and beryl.

Deposits are found in Burma (Myanmar), Brazil, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Norway, Sri Lanka, East and South Africa, Spain, Russia (Kola Peninsula), Canada, and the United States. Apatite found in Myanmar can be colorless to light blue. 

The Spanish apatite is often called "asparagus stone" due to its yellowish-green color. 

الاسم يأتي من الكلمة اليونانية apate، وهو ما يعني، "لخداع". وغالبا يختلط تشخيصها الأباتيت مع بعض 
الأحجار الكريمة ذات قيمة أكبر مثل التورمالين، الزبرجد الزيتوني، الزبرجد، توباز والبريل

وتوجد الودائع في بورما (في ميانمار)، والبرازيل، والهند، وكينيا، ومدغشقر، والمكسيك، والنرويج، وسري لانكا وشرق وجنوب أفريقيا، إسبانيا، روسيا (شبه جزيرة كولا)، وكندا، والولايات المتحدة. الأباتيت تم العثور عليه في ميانمار يمكن أن يكون عديم اللون إلى اللون الأزرق الفاتح.
وغالبا ما يطلق على الأباتيت الاسباني "الحجر الهليون" بسبب لونه الأخضر المصفر.
Apatite is believed to decrease appetite and reduce hunger as well as enhance creativity and learning. It is said that wearing apatite will enhance focus, clarity for concentration, intellect, and  acceptance.

يقال أن الأباتيت يقلل الشهية ويقلل الجوع فضلا عن تعزيز الإبداع والتعلم. و، ويقال أن ارتداء الأباتيت يعزز التركيز، والفكر، والقبول.


This stone is very sensitive to chemicals, abrasives, heat, acids, and ammonia. Never use a steamer, hot water or ultrasonic cleaners with this gemstone. Use mild soap and room temperature tap water with a soft cloth so you do not scratch the surface or diminish the luster of the gemstone.

هذا الحجر هو حساس جدا للمواد الكيميائية، المواد الكاشطة، والحرارة، والأحماض، والأمونيا. لا تستخدم باخرةوالماء الساخن أو المنظفات فوق الصوتية مع هذه الأحجار الكريمة. استخدام الماء والصابون الخفيف مع ماء 
الصنبور بقطعة قماش ناعمة حتى لا تخدش السطح أو تقلل من بريق الحجر الكريم.

If you have dealt or owned and Agate Your feed back is greatly appreciated.  So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all. 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي
الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية