Do Gemstone have healing attributes

Friday, October 24, 2014

Is white gold pure white gold?

Ahhh  the beauty of White gold

Gold is yellow in its pure form and its not white.  However, what is known as a white gold is gold metal mixed with at least one white metal, in order to make the gold white.  Therefore, the gold is combined with another white in nature metal alloy(s) and plated with an extremely hard element known as rhodium.  Despite rhodium being strong it may wear our over time, and plating with rhodium again to restore the whiteness is a simple  process.

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Gold Karat and what it means

Gold Karat and what it means

People sometime confuse Karat as a unit of weight, which is not.  However, Karat refers to the amount of gold in an item.  Karats are measured in units of 24; therefore 100% pure gold is equal to 24 Karat gold.  If an item has 18 karat gold it means its 18 parts gold and 6 parts alloys (other combined metallic materials) such as copper, nickel or zinc, an other word its 75% gold and 25% other metals.

Feel the power of gemstone, get gemstone beads @

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Does silver turn black?

Does silver turn black?

Yes, its a tarnish, a sulfur reaction in the metal.  This happen to all silver and it happen more on some people than others.  This is so because our body will speed up the chemical reaction.  Silver  sometimes  leaves a black color on some people's skin. Hence, silver react differently with different bodies chemistry. Some people notice that they turn silver black others will have their skin turn black, the area that was in contact with silver, this is specially with silver rings.

What to do to protect silver from changing:

Storing sterling silver in the open air and humidity for long periods of time may cause it to tarnish quickly.  Tarnish first comes as a golden hue on the sterling silver then quickly changes to black.  This is caused by oxidization and moisture from air and jewelry.

To reduce this and keep it at minimum you should
* store your jewelry when you are not wearing them.
 *keep your silver in airtight protective bag made of tarnish proof cloth or you can use zip lock bag made of polyethylene or Mylar.
*Do not use polyvinyl plastic bags.
*Normally, zip-lock bags work well for storing sterling silver and its commonly used by jewelers.
*And, very important that your do not store silver jewelry directly on wood surfaces, because wood usually contains acids that can spoil the finish.  *Also avoid storing you silver with other metals such as pennies and rubbers because these two can cause damage and tarnish. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

101-Silver/Sterling Silver

What is Silver:
a precious shiny grayish-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 47 on the periodic table.
Fine Silver is 999.9 part out of a thousand pure silver, and it is also much softer and more resistant to tarnish than sterling silver.

101-Silver/Sterling Silver 

What is sterling Silver:
Sterling silver is 925 parts out of a thousand pure silver and 75 parts copper.

How to test if the metal is silver:

There are several ways to check for silver.
1. The silver  may be stamped with 925 900 800 all which indicates the percentage of fine silver. 925 is 92.5% silver, 900 is 90% silver and 800 is 80% silver.

2. Use a strong magnet to check if there is attraction. If the magnet sticks to it then it is metal and not silver.  However keep in mind that there are other metals that are made to look like silver and do not stick to magnet.  So do not only depend on magnet test but use it with another test.

3. Silver is an excellent conductor of heat.  Therefore you can place an Ice cube on a silver plate or coin, and see how fast the ice will melt. You will notice the ice melting immediately as if it has been placed on something hot.  Try the same test a metal spoon and you will notice it will take longer. However, this test is easier on silver coins or bars than on jewelry. 
4.  Rub a clean, white polishing cloth over a silver piece. Real silver and silver plate will turn the cloth black.

 silver often does tarnish. It can gain a dirty dark grey/brown patina.

These are some methods for testing and there are other method using chemicals as well.

Gynostemma Green Tea

Gynostemma Green Tea 

One of the best green tea I have came across is Gynostemma tea. The tea has no caffeine but if you drink it regularly it will increase your strength, mental focus and endurance and mental capacity. You can order it here or from directly from china. 500g can be bough for 30-80 depending where you shop, however it will last you a long time.

Stated Benefits of Gynostemma Uses

Increase strength and endurance
Build lean muscle
Reduce fatigue
As a powerful adaptogen
Treat bronchitis and breathing problems
As a powerful antioxidant
Reduce stress
Treat depression and anxiety
Maintain optimal weight
Maintain normal blood sugar levels
Remove toxins from the body
Assist liver functioning
Improve sexual function
As a general tonic for overall health and wellbeing
Decrease bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides
Increase good cholesterol (HDL)
Lower high blood pressure
Increase coronary blood flow
Decrease vascular resistance
As a nitric oxide releaser
As a healthy source of natural vitamins and minerals
Prevent senility
For it’s anti-aging benefits
Maintain healthy brain function
Enhance immune system
Treat Diabetes

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lapis Lazuli حجر اللازوريت

Lapis Lazuli
حجر اللازوريت

This is an attractive  blue stone that has been admired for its beauty and acclaimed metaphysical benefits. The name Lapis Lazuli is composed from 'lapis', the Latin word for stone, and 'azula', which is said to come from persian and means blue.  This stone has also been known as the stone of royalty. Origin:originally found in Khurasan (Old kingdom covering Afghanistan Iran and beyond) Serbia, Armenia, Turkey, Egypt, India, Ethiopia and Spain.  Today Lapis is exported from Afghanistan, Russia, Argentina, Pakistan, Canada, Angola, Thailand, and Iran.
موطنه الأصلي ومصادره الرئيسية: أفغانستان وسيبريا وأرمينيا وخراسان وتركيا ومصر القديمة والهند والحبشة وأسبانيا. أما مصادره الحالية فهي أفغانستان، روسيا، وسيبريا، الأرجنتين، باكستان وكندا، وأنغولا وتايلاند ومنغوليا وإيران وبورما.
Metaphysical Benefits:
Lapis lazuli has been worn in the belief that it will ward off evil. In ancient Egypt, it was powdered and worn about the eyes to improve eyesight. Today, it is considered by some to be an aid to balancing the brow chakra (which influences vision and hearing). Imbalances of the brow (or blue) chakra are said to cause headaches, anxiety and disorders of the skin.  These are some of the acclaimed benefits of Lapis LazuliIts effects on human health - A calming affect  - Activates appetite for food - Anti-sadness  - Positive psychological impact - fights fear - Strengthens focus  - Activates memory - Useful for insomnia and facilitates the process of quiet and deep sleep.- Treats disease melancholy - Removes convulsions - Promotes blood circulation - Arthritis - Beneficial to the eye Akthala - Stimulates germination Alahdab hair and eyelids and keeps them from falling -ahassan Hair Helps in the proliferation of head hair - Handles fever - Resistant to hair loss and bombed - Anti pains to liverSome of these benefits are achieved by wearing it other benefits are achieved by other methods.  To get some of these benefits you can wear it and check the positive affects on your body,  Even though some books talk about the intake of doses of gemstones or applying it to the eyes like in eyelash powder, I would extremly causes from such think since your body is not an experimental lab, unless proven to be medically safe.If you have dealt or owned Lapis Lazuli Your feed back is greatly appreciated.  So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all. 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims stated  and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions. 

يقال عن تاثيره الصحي على الانسان - ذو مغعول مهدئ مسكن - ينشط الشهيه للطعام - مضاد للكابه - تاثير نفسي ايجابي - مقاوم للخوف - يقوي التركيز الفكري - ينشط الذاكره - مفيد للارق ويسهل عمليه النوم الهادئ والعميق - يعالج مرض السوداويه - يزيل التشنجات - يعزز دوران الدم - لالتهاب المفاصل - مفيد للعين اكتحالا - يحفز انبات شعر الاهداب والاجفان ويحافظ عليهن من السقوط -يحسن الشعر يساعد في تكاثر شعر الراس - يعالج الحمى - مقاوم لتساقط وتقصف الشعر - مضاد لاوجاع الكبد هل تمتلك هذا الحجر وهل عرفت له أية فائدة.  حصلت على فائدة أو لمتحصل أوحب أن أتعرف على معلمتكة وشكراً جزيلا  :يرجى ملاحظة ما يليالفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية