Do Gemstone have healing attributes

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lapis Lazuli حجر اللازوريت

Lapis Lazuli
حجر اللازوريت

This is an attractive  blue stone that has been admired for its beauty and acclaimed metaphysical benefits. The name Lapis Lazuli is composed from 'lapis', the Latin word for stone, and 'azula', which is said to come from persian and means blue.  This stone has also been known as the stone of royalty. Origin:originally found in Khurasan (Old kingdom covering Afghanistan Iran and beyond) Serbia, Armenia, Turkey, Egypt, India, Ethiopia and Spain.  Today Lapis is exported from Afghanistan, Russia, Argentina, Pakistan, Canada, Angola, Thailand, and Iran.
موطنه الأصلي ومصادره الرئيسية: أفغانستان وسيبريا وأرمينيا وخراسان وتركيا ومصر القديمة والهند والحبشة وأسبانيا. أما مصادره الحالية فهي أفغانستان، روسيا، وسيبريا، الأرجنتين، باكستان وكندا، وأنغولا وتايلاند ومنغوليا وإيران وبورما.
Metaphysical Benefits:
Lapis lazuli has been worn in the belief that it will ward off evil. In ancient Egypt, it was powdered and worn about the eyes to improve eyesight. Today, it is considered by some to be an aid to balancing the brow chakra (which influences vision and hearing). Imbalances of the brow (or blue) chakra are said to cause headaches, anxiety and disorders of the skin.  These are some of the acclaimed benefits of Lapis LazuliIts effects on human health - A calming affect  - Activates appetite for food - Anti-sadness  - Positive psychological impact - fights fear - Strengthens focus  - Activates memory - Useful for insomnia and facilitates the process of quiet and deep sleep.- Treats disease melancholy - Removes convulsions - Promotes blood circulation - Arthritis - Beneficial to the eye Akthala - Stimulates germination Alahdab hair and eyelids and keeps them from falling -ahassan Hair Helps in the proliferation of head hair - Handles fever - Resistant to hair loss and bombed - Anti pains to liverSome of these benefits are achieved by wearing it other benefits are achieved by other methods.  To get some of these benefits you can wear it and check the positive affects on your body,  Even though some books talk about the intake of doses of gemstones or applying it to the eyes like in eyelash powder, I would extremly causes from such think since your body is not an experimental lab, unless proven to be medically safe.If you have dealt or owned Lapis Lazuli Your feed back is greatly appreciated.  So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all. 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims stated  and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions. 

يقال عن تاثيره الصحي على الانسان - ذو مغعول مهدئ مسكن - ينشط الشهيه للطعام - مضاد للكابه - تاثير نفسي ايجابي - مقاوم للخوف - يقوي التركيز الفكري - ينشط الذاكره - مفيد للارق ويسهل عمليه النوم الهادئ والعميق - يعالج مرض السوداويه - يزيل التشنجات - يعزز دوران الدم - لالتهاب المفاصل - مفيد للعين اكتحالا - يحفز انبات شعر الاهداب والاجفان ويحافظ عليهن من السقوط -يحسن الشعر يساعد في تكاثر شعر الراس - يعالج الحمى - مقاوم لتساقط وتقصف الشعر - مضاد لاوجاع الكبد هل تمتلك هذا الحجر وهل عرفت له أية فائدة.  حصلت على فائدة أو لمتحصل أوحب أن أتعرف على معلمتكة وشكراً جزيلا  :يرجى ملاحظة ما يليالفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية 


1 comment:

  1. I love Lapis Lazuli, love the color of the stone very interesting indeed


Thank you for sharing