Do Gemstone have healing attributes

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Amertine أمترين

Amertine comes in different colors and shades from yellow to orange and from pale lavender to deep purple.
أمترين يأتي في ألوان وظلال مختلفة من اللون الأصفر إلى البرتقالي وشاحب من الخزامى إلى الأرجواني العميق

Ametrine  was not known until 1980 when it was discovered in Bolivia in South America in the Anahi mines.  This beautiful gemstone is  a combination of amethyst and citrine.  Both Amethyst and citrine are a of Quartz base.  Quartz is found in large quantity and quartz varieties are estimated to be about 12% of the earth is crust.  Amethyst is clear quartz with the presence of manganese while citrine is clear quartz with the presence of iron.

ولم يعرف المترين حتى عام 1980 عندما اكتشف في بوليفيا في أمريكا الجنوبية في مناجم أناهي. هذه الأحجار الكريمة الجميلة هي مزيج من الجمشت والسترين. كلا الجمشت والسترين أنواع من الكوارتز. اصناف الكوارتز متواجدة بكثرة على الأرض  وتقدر أصناف الكوارتز أن تكون حوالي 12٪ من  قشرة الأرض.  الجمشت هو الكوارتز المنغنيز بينما  السترين الكوارتز  مع  الحديد

Benefits Olamitrin
It is believed that Ametrine helps to relieve tension, and achieve tranquility, stimulate creativity, and achieving a balance between the emotional stability and self-confidence. And helps in removing toxins from the body. It is said that Amertine is the perfect balance of properties of amethyst and citrine

فوائد ألامترين 
ويعتقد أن ألامترين يفيد في تخفيف التوتر، وتحقيق السكينة، وتحفيز الإبداع، وتحقيق التوازن بين الاستقرار النفسي والثقة بالنفس. يعتبر   و لإزالة السموم من الجسم.   ويقال أن ألامترين  هو التوازن الكامل للخصائص الجمشت والسترين 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي
الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية 


Since this stone is fairly hard so you can use a steamer and ultrasonic cleaner with it.  This stone may lose color under sunlight.

.بما أن هذال الحجر قوي الصلابة يمكنكة إستعمال  باخرة ونظافة بالموجات فوق الصوتية معها.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Amethyst الجمشت

Metaphysical Property Claims:
It has been stated that Amethyst calms the nerves, prevents insomnia and helps one sleep.  Leonardo Da Vinci
once wrote that amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one's intelligence.  This gemstone was also used as simple of peace and unity.  It is thought that it stimulates feeling of calm and tranquility.
Some naturopaths use Amethyst to treat insomia, sugar imbalance and to relieve headaches.  

According to Wikipedia
"Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from the Ancient Greek  a- ("not") and μέθυστοςmethustos ("intoxicated"), a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. The ancient Greeks and Romans wore amethyst and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. It is one of several forms ofquartz. Amethyst is a semiprecious stone and is the traditional birthstone for February."

Proper Care:                                                                                                                                             This stone is fairly hard and durable so it can be cleaned using a steamer and ultrasonic cleaner.

حجر الجمشت
مما يذكر في فوائد حجر الجمشت اتالي 
    حجر يهديء الاعصاب ويجلب النوم ويمنع الارق
وقد كتب ليوناردو دافنشي أن الجمشت يبعدل الفكار الشريرة ويزيد في الذكاء. كما أن هذل الحجر الكريم استعمله كرمز لسلام   
ويعتقد أنه يجلب الشعور بالهدوء والسكينة
وكثيرا ما يستخدم الجمشت  لتوفير الشعور العام من التوازن الروحي. فإن بعض  بعض الخبراء بالمداواة الطبيعية  (Naturopathy)

 استخدام الجمشت للمساعدة في علاج الأرق والسكر وتخفيف الصداع

If you have dealt or owned and Agate Your feed back is greatly appreciated.  So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all. 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي

الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية 


Monday, July 21, 2014

Amber العنبر


Metaphysical Benefits:

Amber is thought to help absorb negative energy and to release bright, soothing energy, helping to calm nerves and enliven disposition. The different colors of amber are often used on the chakras with corresponding colors to facilitate opening and cleansing. Yellow amber has been used traditionally by natural healers to alleviate stomach and liver problems. 

All Metaphysical/Healing properties are various claims made by various sources.  This information is not intended to treat varied conditions within one's life.  

Amber is said to help absorb negative energy while releasing soothing energy and calming nerves. Yellow amber has been used by healers to alleviate stomach and liver problems.  Amber has also been used for courage and self confidence.  

Other Benefits:
According to Jabir Salim al-Qahtaniy in an article published in the Saudi Alriyad News paper, Jabir states the following " Effects Amber health: Mankind  uses of amber for the treatment of arthritis and symptoms articular and rheumatism and back pain and migraine and dental pain, asthma, whooping cough, allergy, jaundice and castles (blisters the mouth and tongue) and eczema, abscesses and boils and bleeding heart palpitations and dystocia. Uses syrup amber to stop bleeding and a combination of amber with cold water and Julep against heart palpitations, and a combination of amber with musk useful for jaundice and stomach pains and palpitations. Should differentiate (in Arabic that is) between the amber which is of plant origin and between amber animal  from the whale and that there is no relationship between the two However, by name and amber stone is connected to the name of someone old Arab named "amber" was considered to be the first to discover the amber and realize its advantages..."

Translated paragraph in Arabic
تأثيرات العنبر الصحية على الإنسان: يستخدم العنبر لعلاج التهابات المفاصل والأعراض المفصلية والروماتزم وأوجاع الظهر وداء الشقيقة والآم الأسنان والربو والسعال الديكي والحساسية واليرقان والقلاع (بثور الفم واللسان) والإكزيما والخراجات والدمامل والنزف الدموي وخفقان القلب وعسر الولادة. يستخدم شراب العنبر لوقف النزف الدموي ومزيج العنبر مع الماء البارد والجلاب ضد خفقان القلب، ومزيج العنبر مع المسك نافع لليرقان والآم المعدة والخفقان.ويجب التفريق بين هذا العنبر الذي هو من أصل نباتي وبين العنبر الحيواني الذي يستحصل عليه من الحوت وأنه لا توجد أي علاقة بينهما إلا بالاسم وأن حجر العنبر هو متصل باسم شخص عربي قديم يدعى "عنبر" اعتبر أنه أول من اكتشف الكهرمان وأدرك مزاياه.

How to determine if an Amber is natural:
To find out whether Amber is Natural or has been combined with resin stabilizers place the gem in warm salty water.  synthesized Amber will sink where natural Amber will float.  

If you have dealt or owned and Agate Your feed back is greatly appreciated.  So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all. 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي

الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية 



Metaphisical Property Claims:
Amazonite is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system.  It is said to sooth tense and aggravate situations.  Best  worn as a necklace near the heart, it is said that it brings truth, honor, integrity and enhance love to its wearer.

The name Amazonite comes from Amazon which is an area in Brazil where it was originally discovered.  This stone is associated with granite and quartz and its is also found in  Canada, India, Madagascar, Namibia Russia, Tanzania and USA.

Caring and Cleaning: 
Amazonite is sensitive to chemicals, abrasives, heat, acids, and ammonia.  Amazonite is sensitive to acids, chemicals and abrasives.  Do not use a steamer, hot water or ultrasonic cleaners with this stone.  To avoid diminishing the luster of this stone use room temperature tap water soap for cleaning 

If you have dealt or owned and Agate Your feed back is greatly appreciated.  So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all. 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي

الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Agate العقيق
 Historically Its believed that At least 3000 years ago, the Egyptians were making seals, rings, and vessels from agate
According to ICA (International Colored Gemstone Association) No gemstone is more creatively striped by Nature than agate, chalcedony quartz that forms in concentric layers in a wide variety of colours and textures. Each individual agate forms by filling a cavity in host rock. As a result, agate is often found as a round nodule, with concentric bands like the rings of a tree trunk. The bands sometimes look like eyes, fanciful scallops, or even a landscape with trees.
Agate comes in different colors including Brown, Red, green, white, colorless, yellow and blue  

Metaphysical Benefits:
Its said to quench thirst and protect against fever. makes one happier, calmer. and more confident.  Also it has been claimed that it adds to one's energy. Some claim that their body joint pain has diminished after wearing it.

Jabir Salim al-Qahtany states in Alriyadh News Paper the following:

There are several varieties of Agate depending on location and  quality. 

The effects of different types of Agate on Health: Agate has frequently been used for the treatment of the following diseases: back pain, muscle spasms, nerve disorders, headaches, including migraine, the bad smell of the mouth and teeth, strengthen the gums and teeth, bleeding gums and tooth decay, and the fragmentation of kidney stones and constipation, and against Frenzy nervous system, lack of appetite for the treatment of persistent abuse of alcoholic beverages. For the treatment of excessive menstruation, Alonzfah vessels, for the treatment of stuttering. No side effects of Agate.

Translated Arabic news article:
وللعقيق عدة أصناف تبعاً لمناطق وجوده وتبعاً لأنواعه وجودته.
تأثيرات أنواع العقيق الصحية على الإنسان: يستخدم العقيق بكثرة لعلاج الأمراض التالية: آلام الظهر، التشنجات العضلية، الاضطرابات العصبية، آلام الرأس ومنها الشقيقة، رائحة الفم والأسنان الكريهة، تقوية اللثة والأسنان، نزيف اللثة وتسوس الأسنان، ولتفتيت حصى الكلى ولحالات الإمساك، وضد الهيجان العصبي، نقص الشهية لعلاج التعاطي المستديم للمشروبات الكحولية. لعلاج فرط الحيض، والأنزفة الدموية، لعلاج التأتأة. لا يوجد أضرار جانبية للعقيق.

If you have dealt or owned and Agate Your feed back is greatly appreciated.  So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all. 

Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي
الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية 


Welcome to Gemstone Cure information and research blog.

Gemstone have been adored by mankind since ancient times. Humans have been stricken by their beauty and some gems have been highly priced. Jade gemstone was highly regarded in ancient China and was considered more expensive than gold at one point. Interestingly, ancient culture from all over the world have placed a great value on gemstone and believed in gemstone metaphysical healing power.
There had been many claims of certain benefits and healing powers attributed to various gemstones. Attributing these benefits is well known in old Chinese, Roman, Egyptian, Persian, Indian, Arab and others around the globe. I have noticed since my childhood, how old women from eastern parts of Ethiopia, Harar in particular, used to were silver or gold ring containing gemstones. Moreover, One of my elderly relative used to have a prayer bead made of different genuine gemstone. Whenever a woman relative or someone close to him got pregnant, he used to give her the gemstone prayer bead to put around her neck during delivery, in hopes it will ease the pain of delivery. Such practices are common specially in old cultures. However, today the use of gemstones isn't a s common and the figuring out what is natural vs synthetic and even naming and labeling gemstone seems to be getting more and more confusing. Specially, this true when looking for precious gemstone such as Emerald, unless you are careful and have plenty of information, you can be tricked to buy a beautiful green agate, a peridot or some other gemstone instead a real natural Emerald.
Moreover, until today (as far as I know) there hasn't been any significant reliable scientific research regarding gemstones benefits and healing properties.
So here is were I do need your help. And this is particularly for those whom have worn, owned, or had other types of contact with natural gemstones to put your feed back into the blog regarding any benefits/healing you have experienced with a particular gemstone. You can also share your experience if you believe all such claims are just nonsense.
Please be as specific as possible and also Identify the type of gemstone.
For example, instate of saying I feel good when wearing and hold a gemstone be more specific if this is in regard to a pain in a specific area in your body, or if you feel more courage, calm, happy, less worried... etc
I will attempt to write about different gemstone, exploring their benefits what has been claimed. If anyone thinks these claims have any validity I am interesting to hear, equally if anyone believe it is simply superstition. Moreover, for those who own gemstones I am interested to know if they are natural vs synthetic, and the name of the stone.
Shoppe for natural gemstone beads for wholesale prices at