Metaphysical Property Claims:
It has been stated that Amethyst calms the nerves, prevents insomnia and helps one sleep. Leonardo Da Vinci
once wrote that amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one's intelligence. This gemstone was also used as simple of peace and unity. It is thought that it stimulates feeling of calm and tranquility.
Some naturopaths use Amethyst to treat insomia, sugar imbalance and to relieve headaches.
According to Wikipedia
"Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from the Ancient Greek ἀ a- ("not") and μέθυστοςmethustos ("intoxicated"), a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. The ancient Greeks and Romans wore amethyst and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. It is one of several forms ofquartz. Amethyst is a semiprecious stone and is the traditional birthstone for February."
Proper Care: This stone is fairly hard and durable so it can be cleaned using a steamer and ultrasonic cleaner.
حجر الجمشت
مما يذكر في فوائد حجر الجمشت اتالي
حجر يهديء الاعصاب ويجلب النوم ويمنع الارق
وقد كتب ليوناردو دافنشي أن الجمشت يبعدل الفكار الشريرة ويزيد في الذكاء. كما أن هذل الحجر الكريم استعمله كرمز لسلام
ويعتقد أنه يجلب الشعور بالهدوء والسكينة
وكثيرا ما يستخدم الجمشت لتوفير الشعور العام من التوازن الروحي. فإن بعض بعض الخبراء بالمداواة الطبيعية (Naturopathy)
استخدام الجمشت للمساعدة في علاج الأرق والسكر وتخفيف الصداع
If you have dealt or owned and Agate Your feed back is greatly appreciated. So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all.
Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي
الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية
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