Metaphysical Benefits:
Amber is thought to help absorb negative energy and to release bright, soothing energy, helping to calm nerves and enliven disposition. The different colors of amber are often used on the chakras with corresponding colors to facilitate opening and cleansing. Yellow amber has been used traditionally by natural healers to alleviate stomach and liver problems.
All Metaphysical/Healing properties are various claims made by various sources. This information is not intended to treat varied conditions within one's life.
Amber is said to help absorb negative energy while releasing soothing energy and calming nerves. Yellow amber has been used by healers to alleviate stomach and liver problems. Amber has also been used for courage and self confidence.
Other Benefits:
According to Jabir Salim al-Qahtaniy in an article published in the Saudi Alriyad News paper, Jabir states the following " Effects Amber health: Mankind uses of amber for the treatment of arthritis and symptoms articular and rheumatism and back pain and migraine and dental pain, asthma, whooping cough, allergy, jaundice and castles (blisters the mouth and tongue) and eczema, abscesses and boils and bleeding heart palpitations and dystocia. Uses syrup amber to stop bleeding and a combination of amber with cold water and Julep against heart palpitations, and a combination of amber with musk useful for jaundice and stomach pains and palpitations. Should differentiate (in Arabic that is) between the amber which is of plant origin and between amber animal from the whale and that there is no relationship between the two However, by name and amber stone is connected to the name of someone old Arab named "amber" was considered to be the first to discover the amber and realize its advantages..."
Translated paragraph in Arabic
تأثيرات العنبر الصحية على الإنسان: يستخدم العنبر لعلاج التهابات المفاصل والأعراض المفصلية والروماتزم وأوجاع الظهر وداء الشقيقة والآم الأسنان والربو والسعال الديكي والحساسية واليرقان والقلاع (بثور الفم واللسان) والإكزيما والخراجات والدمامل والنزف الدموي وخفقان القلب وعسر الولادة. يستخدم شراب العنبر لوقف النزف الدموي ومزيج العنبر مع الماء البارد والجلاب ضد خفقان القلب، ومزيج العنبر مع المسك نافع لليرقان والآم المعدة والخفقان.ويجب التفريق بين هذا العنبر الذي هو من أصل نباتي وبين العنبر الحيواني الذي يستحصل عليه من الحوت وأنه لا توجد أي علاقة بينهما إلا بالاسم وأن حجر العنبر هو متصل باسم شخص عربي قديم يدعى "عنبر" اعتبر أنه أول من اكتشف الكهرمان وأدرك مزاياه.
How to determine if an Amber is natural:
To find out whether Amber is Natural or has been combined with resin stabilizers place the gem in warm salty water. synthesized Amber will sink where natural Amber will float.
If you have dealt or owned and Agate Your feed back is greatly appreciated. So let me know if you have found any benefits, or if you haven't gained any benefit at all.
Please note: These stated benefits are general claims made and it is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
:يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي
الفوائد التي تذكر للحجار الكريمة ليس أمراً ثابتاً من الناحية العلميه وليس الغرض منه هو لتشخيص أو علاج الحالات الطبية
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